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Welcome to Minimalist Products! This page is designed to provide you a soft landing on what we have to offer. First a word or two on why Minimalist Products exist. Minimalism is quite an ambiguous term. We saw a need for a platform that would look at this topic from different angles, instead of trying to cram it into a single narrow space.

Main Categories

At the moment, we have three main categories we have divided our content into: Minimalist Products, Financial Minimalism, and Focus & Productivity. This categorization may and probably will change as time goes on. Just as minimalism evolves and finds new avenues, same is the thing with this platform. If you want to go through our content on a wide scope and without these categorisations, click here. In case you want to learn more about the main categories, please read below.

Minimalist Products

This section covers material as well as non-material minimalist goods. Tangible minimalist products optimally comprise of much more than just minimal aesthetic. “Perfect” minimalist products could be something that fulfills all ten of Dieter Ram´s Principles for Good Design. In short, a great minimalist product is easy to use and understand, environmentaly friendly, long-lasting, good-looking, honest and isn´t a distraction.

Non-material minimalist goods on the other hand include services and thoughts that help you simplify your life. Spotify is a prime example of a non-material minimalist good that can simplify your life by giving you an access to a huge library of music and provide an opportunity yu to get rid of stacks of CDs. Read our content about Minimalist Products here.

Financial Minimalism

Financial minimalism can give you freedom and safety to your life. In this category, we focus to provide you ideas on how to make and save more money and how to make it grow, all without a need for a degree in finance. Read our content about Financial Minimalism here.

Focus & Productivity

World today has more distractions than ever. At the same, we also have increasingly more opportunities at our disposal. We aim to help you to navigate this two-edged path by giving you tools to eliminate distractions to get those actually important things done. Read our content about Focus & Productivity here.

Frequently Asked Questions on Minimalism

Below you can find our answers to common questions related to minimalism. Press the arrow on each question to get our answer. We will update this section with new questions and as we create new content so feel free to come back at any time.

Great question. Back in the late 1970s, a famous German designer Dieter Rams introduced Ten Principles for Good Design. We find these principles to be a good place to start in evaluating whether a product could be considered minimalist.

Check our Minimalist Brand Directory where you can browse through plenty of such companies.

We have combined a resource on minimalism-related books here.

Yes, quite a few! We have created a list of them to this article.

Check this post where we have listed over 30 different minimalist podcasts.

A good place to start could be our extensive resouce on Minimalist Influencers.

Minimalism is often referred to as making intentional purchase decisions that bring actual value to your life. To save money, you can go through our 100+ tips.

Perhaps those we have gathered together here.

Cal Newport, the author of Digital Minimalism describes the term as follows: “A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” If you feel you’re too much into your phone, feel free to go through our article, How to Break Your Phone Addiction. To find out explanations for other minimalism terminology, go through the Minimalism Glossary.

We have built an extensive guide also for this topic. This post goes through criteria for a great minimalist gift, different types of minimalist gifts and also discussion on whether not you should get the gift in the first place.

Ideas for Minimalist Products?

Think we are missing something important on our site? We would be very happy to hear about your ideas. You can reach us through the Contact page or Instagram DMs.


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